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Roger, you're always so funny. I almost spit out the pop I was drinking at the farting part! It was just so... random! And yeah, everything you said about Sonic games is true. "OMG I gotz t3h chaos emeralds!!1!" "OMG I lost t3h chaos emeralds and eggman's got 'em"

5/5, my friend.

RogerregoRRoger responds:

Damn chaos emeralds, you would expect with fill fmv and ingame cutscnees full with dialogue, they didnt have to be depending on chaos emeralds for a plot, but noooo.


Oh God, man. That was hilarious. I thought the series died and the sequal wouldn't ever be made, but IT DID! :D

Putting in Strawberry Clock made it hilarious. And I like the Met guy... XD

Can't wait for the next one.

You get my 5! :)

Eric-S responds:

Took me time and work, but it's finished!


This needs improvement...

Here are some suggestions:

1. Don't make Ness so big.
2. For the text box, it looks like a Paint JPEG (and probably is) so you might wanna get Photoshop to fix that...
3. Might want to make it a bit longer and much funnier.

Other than that, EarthBound rocks! And... that's all. Hope my suggestions help. ;)

FattyWhale responds:

"2. For the text box, it looks like a Paint JPEG (and probably is) so you might wanna get Photoshop to fix that..."

You've got a sharp eye ;)

You can do better

Here are some suggestions:

1. Don't make it too similar to other movies (this Flash is similar to the Sonic the Hedgehog movie Randy Solem made, but this one has no blood)
2. Don't mix sprites or bittages (like taking Sonic Advance sprites and putting them in Sonic 1... trust me, you'll get a better score if you don't mix them)
3. Make it longer. Really short Flashes were considered good on Newgrounds a few years ago...

Hope those suggestions help. ;)

jimmy5327 responds:

Thanks, i'll take all that into account.

Nice movie! But I noticed something...

Hey, Roger!

*watches Roger fall into a garbage can*

Um... nice movie. Very random!!! XD But... was the yellow hedgehog with the two spikes named "GS"? 'Cause if it is, um, he's not mine anymore... :P I have a human character. And his name is Jordan... :P

Still, this movie kicked ass! Keep this up!!! ^_^

RogerregoRRoger responds:

yellow, 2 spikes, GS? Don't remember, msot be something i quickly made up when drawing..

Any reviews with "GS" in it is my dumbass friend. Sorry.

Age 32, Male


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